Whenever we talk about pets, dogs and cats hold a huge amount of that pet role among many people around the world. When you are raising a dog or a cat especially you will get noticed about some interesting habits they have.
Look at this king and queens who run the world of cats. They live their own life with their rules! Owning their chairs, beds, bathtubs and the evening rides are okay. You can live peacefully here. Go ahead cats. Live your own life. We’ll pay the bills; you don’t need to worry! Look at them and do not let your cats see them right. I warn you!
1. I love this window! But for a long time couldn’t reach and they make me a bridge! How nice you are human!

2. He put his name on the cake and my photo too. Now tell me who owns the cake? Either you or me! I need a good explanation.

3. Meet King Arthur! How am I looking?

4. Hi, I am Momo! And this is my “Hammock”. It is my nap time… I’m gonna sleep. See you later!

5. How is the cat Tree?

6. We are going on a family tour! Wanna join?

7. When your cat’s comfort zone is a pair of pants! (Today I don’t feel like doing anything!)

8. This couch is officially crocheted by my mom to our load! Stay comfort, my lord!

9. When someone who wanted to become an Otter born as a cat! I thought cats hate water until I met her!

10. Meet Trixie! Who loves to stay in her boat in the hot water! Sorry human! You have to wait another hour!

11. Her angry voice: You either stay with me or live with your cat.

12. Walking with the cats is so nice! Leave them in the strollers

13.Keep your cat raked! Nice garden!

14. When your dad said no to cats vs. now! “She’s going to sleep in her room”

15. Let him calm down!

16. A luxury cat bedroom…

17. Bean’s day out! Easy usage!

18. Work from home with a cat be like!

19. Hi, meet my alarm! The Hobbes!

20. How to protect your fluffy cats? Well, when there are foxes and coyotes around we had to do a trick to allow them to go outside

21. Sleep in arms! Such a comfort!

22. Hold me tight… the bin men are so busy today!

23. Specially made for him

24. When you finally found nice window views to enjoy after 6 years!

25. Love of his life is on the air!

26. Ask some cuddles from your human when they work from home.

27. Yeah, I got my bed! My kingdom is my bed now.

28. If you can’t give me your Lap, at least give me a Laptop.

29. It is her cocktail time. It is her favorite glass by the way!

30. Perfect size!

31. It is the Christmas.

32. Dad’s spa and the cats!

33.Babysitting Benny is not an easy game.

34. Tigger needs to lay on dad before he going to work

35. It’s our game time and this is how we hold our new cat! She demands cuddling 24*7.

36. Whenever I go to the bath, she doesn’t stop yelling until I let her join.

37. When your human shooed you and now your time to be a little jerk

38. This one is obsessed with blanket forts. So we made this for him. Give him a coin to buy his treasure.

39. Cats even need bunk beds.

40. We went on a vacation and the hotel room service is at the highest. Even for my cat. This is how they left her after finished cleaning.

41. Chewy is waiting for her breakfast. She has no idea about new year’s hangovers.

42. Do I need Meow to feed me?

43. Meet Lulu, waiting for her dinner to come.

44. She only sleeps here.

45. This is the most comfortable pillow on earth. Where I sit on.

46. Step up and get into your house.

47. Well, she even has a bathroom art to watch while pooping.

48.They are not spoiled at all!

49. Pepper is aware of his rights. Cat rights.

50. She meows until I let her do this every day! A kind of werewolf look from a cat!