Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeAnimalsDog Insists Dad to take Abandoned Kitten Home

Dog Insists Dad to take Abandoned Kitten Home

Zach Hearn’s two dogs Tang and Cream knew better of the meaning of a complete family. Earlier this month, while on a routine walk, the two pups stumbled across the tiniest animal crying out for help. Wanting to help, the pups rushed to the rescue. In an interview, the owner said this about the pups: “Tang and Cream suddenly stopped and looked puzzled. You could hear a meow a bit away, so both went running up to investigate.”


Although Zach wasn’t able to see where the noise was coming from, the pups were able to sniff out a tiny kitten about 3-4 weeks old. The tiny animal was lying in the middle of the road. The dirty and skinny kitten’s mom was nowhere in sight. Although Hearn was worried that his two pups would chase away or attack the kitten, the two knew exactly what needed to be done. Then, the most amazing thing happened. The pups shocked their owner by comforting the little calico. Hearn says: “Tang started whimpering and laid down next to her. Cream started licking her and cleaning her.”


Knowing that they couldn’t keep the kitten all alone on the street, Hearn picket her up and took her home. At home, he and his girlfriend made a comfortable place for the kitten, and gave her a bath and fed her. Although the kitten had been on her own for a while, but with a little love and care, her strength returned soon enough. Hearn also went on to say: “We decided to name the kitten 头奖 (Tou Jiang), meaning jackpot. “At first, she didn’t have much energy and she slept a lot. But after she was fed on a regular basis and had a warm place to sleep, she livened up.”


The pups were immediately in love with Tou Jiang, from the moment they found her, never leaving her side, and always giving what she needs, from comfort to cuddling and playtime to a tongue bath. When it comes to raising the kitten, both dogs have their own way of “parenting”. In his interview, Hearn had this to say: “Tang is more of the stand-back, relaxed mom.


The cat will climb on her and play with her tail, and Tang just lays there. She will intervene if the kitten is about to do something. Cream is totally different. She does more hovering and is always next to her, playing together and licks her clean like her real mom would. They’re pretty good at taking turns, but they’re [always] watching her unless she is put in her bed to sleep.”


Although it has taken some getting used to, what with introducing a kitten into the family, but all the excitement and love that the newest member Tou Jiang brings to Hearn and his girlfriend is priceless. Hearn also had this to say in his interview: “Raising a kitten is very different from a puppy. The feeding and bathroom requirements can be exhausting, but it’s been worth it. She plays with the dogs all day, and we have a home camera to watch them while at work. The dogs are always watching her and next to her.”


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