Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeAnimalsProfessional soccer players walk into the field carrying shelter dogs

Professional soccer players walk into the field carrying shelter dogs

The Zenit soccer team from Russia decided to raise awareness for shelters and pet adoption recently. They tried to come up with the best way to get their message across. They absolutely succeeded.


Instead of just making some videos or something about their cause, they decided to do something new. They teamed up with some local shelters that can give them a bunch of dogs who need homes. The players walked out onto the field at the start of a game, with an adorable shelter pup with them.


Soccer players carrying adorable dogs were cuter than anything. The dogs ranged in size and fluffiness, and some looked like they were a bit confused. Being around a crowd may be something new to them. But they were happy to have some cuddles regardless of where that was happening. They didn’t know the ones who hold them are soccer stars but keep staying with them without any rush.


The whole thing was pretty adorable. From the dogs themselves to the players who were carrying them was the prettiest thing ever. If they had any other way to promote pet adoption than this, it hasn’t been found yet.


They hope that this will help the dogs to have forever homes. And regardless, everyone’s fingers are crossed that the Zenit team will do this again at some point very soon. It’s something special to appreciate that they did this for the shelter pups.


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