Rachel Franco and Alexander Oyen eloped in a self-solemnized ceremony on Flagstaff Mountain in Colorado. In the beginning, it was meant to be just them and their photographer. But then there were two furry wedding crashers who unexpectedly showed up and made their day.

They were just finished making their vows to each other and had their first kiss as a married couple when Franco felt a pulling away from the kiss. And then there was the most gorgeous husky! That was Freya the Husky, and her brother Bruno. Lucky they both loved dogs. That was a huge surprise to them, to be witnesses on their special day.

It was a kind of mind-blowing to them. As Franco said, it was something like the universe is congratulating them. They always wanted dogs to run up to them and interrupt their lives, and it happened a perfect timing.

The dog owner realized that his pups were making them a little too comfortable, and even tried to call them away. But the pups didn’t care and they were busy joining in the wedding photos. Especially, the gorgeous Freya. They sniffed Franco’s wedding dress and her flowers several times.
Oyen was with his fear of heights but the pups made his day more comfortable. They were too familiar with the area.

Franco is happy about her ceremony on top of the mountain, with her husband and the two unexpected guests. They both were honored to be there with them.