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HomeAnimalsAbandoned Newborn Puppy With Broken Leg Finds a Miraculous Second Chance

Abandoned Newborn Puppy With Broken Leg Finds a Miraculous Second Chance

A Heartbreaking Story of Survival: Abandoned Newborn Puppy Faces a Tough Road to Recovery

If only there were a way to rescue all stray pups and prevent them from suffering in terrible conditions. While that may seem like wishful thinking in a complex world, it doesn’t mean we can’t each do our part. By reporting stray dogs in need to the proper authorities, we could make a significant difference in tackling this issue.

This is the story of a newborn puppy, abandoned and fighting for his life, but saved just in time by compassionate rescuers.

A Long Road to Healing

Source: Youtube

The rescuers found the tiny puppy lying helplessly in a pile of trash. After a quick examination, they rushed him to a clinic for urgent care. He had a broken leg and, shockingly, still had his umbilical cord attached. Despite the bleak situation, the rescuers knew there was hope if they acted quickly.

At the clinic, veterinarians discovered the puppy also suffered from hypothermia and hypoglycemia, both critical conditions for a newborn. The improperly cut umbilical cord only made matters worse. They fed him via syringe, stabilizing his condition, and applied a splint to immobilize his broken leg, easing his pain.

Source: Youtube

However, his leg was already showing signs of necrosis, meaning amputation might be the only solution. It was a devastating revelation, but the team was determined to save him.

The rescuers are now searching for any information on who abandoned the puppy, though they have had no leads so far.

Facing Further Challenges

Source: Youtube

After a few days, a part of the puppy’s broken leg fell off—a sign of severe damage. This raised the risk of a bone infection, so the veterinarians started him on antibiotics right away. There was no certainty the treatment would work, but they were doing everything possible to give him a chance.

The puppy, now named Sushi, was still too young for surgery, needing to be at least 30 days old before that option became viable. In the meantime, they focused on managing his necrotic leg, though hope for saving it was slim.

Despite the challenges, Sushi showed signs of improvement. At 20 days old, he finally opened his eyes, a small but significant milestone in his recovery. Unfortunately, his journey to fully exploring his world will have to wait until he’s no longer in pain.

Source: Youtube

The veterinarians and rescuers remain hopeful that Sushi will defy the odds and pull through. They are doing everything they can to ensure he has the chance at a better life.

While the next chapter of Sushi’s story is still unknown, we can all hope he finds a loving home and the future he truly deserves.


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