It is so sad to see injured animals. But this will steal your heart!
Look at this adorable hamster. This cute picture is shared by Reddit user GeorgeOnee. He is a tiny hamster and also he has an injured arm with an even tinier cast!
This baby hamster has broken its little arm and then it needed a mini cast to help with its recovery. Look how small and cute is that! This image represents a positive which is this little guy’s recovery rather than exploiting its vulnerability. If you are interested in more animals with the cast here we have found a collection of them!
1. The little hamster

2. Doggy with his cast

3. The cast is stronger to this kitty

4. Stay strong buddy

5. Someone has given a carrot to the arm

6. Only one arm left

7. Cast around the body!

8. Injured Sloth here

9. Get well soon mate