Mónica Vicéns got to know from her friend that there were three tiny kittens abandoned in her back yard. The woman just couldn’t say no to adopting and fostering them. When she saw the kittens, Mónica soon fell in love with the smallest of the litter, a tiny white and brown tabby. At that instant, she knew that she couldn’t part with her. In an interview, Vicéns says this about the tiny kitten: “China was the only girl and the runt of the three. I already had a 4-month-old male kitten named Waffles from that same yard and had fallen in love with China, so I decided to keep her.”

Months later, when Mónica moved into a house which had a very large back yard, the tiny, scrawny kitten grew into a huntress she was meant to be, and the woman had this to say about her: “It got to the point that we had to keep all the doors and windows closed making sure she wasn’t able to get out because she always snuck in with some live creature in her mouth. She would get up every morning as if it was her job to go out there and provide for the family.”

As the cats’ human mom didn’t like all the bugs that the cat brings as gifts, she made it clear to the cat by stopping her from going outside. However, as China wanted to bring her mom gifts, she started rummaging inside the house. That’s when Mónica started finding piles of her roommate’s socks right outside her door. Although at first she thought it was her roommate’s dog doing it, she finally caught the cat red handed, and Vicéns went on to say: “She was making some weird meows so we slowly peeked around the corner and saw her dropping the sock by my door. It was the funniest thing we had seen!”

Over time, the cat found her way outside, and to Mónica’s relief, she brought back object gifts, rather than live ones. The woman wasn’t sure where these objects were coming from, all the while assuming that they were her roommate’s, as the cat started bringing cigarettes, matches, and leaving them outside the front door.
In her interview, the woman had this to say regarding the gift-bringing: “A few days later, more items started appearing and that’s when I pieced it together. She had been burglarizing my neighbor’s yard and wouldn’t stop. I would put everything back in their yard as soon as she dropped it and she would bring them back immediately, like, ‘Hey! I thought I gave you this!’ So, I had to wait until the end of the day to return all the items.”

After figuring out that each time the cat leaves the house that she sticks to a specific routine the woman says: “She’ll quickly run to her favorite patch of dirt to roll around in it then she’s off to burglarize the street. She’ll come back with something, drop it at my door, sit and yell for me.” Mónica shared with her friends about the cat burglaries of China, none of them believed her, which made her install a camera outside the door which would catch her in the act.
Vicéns posted the videos on social media, including Instagram and TikTok. Whatever said and done, the woman was anxious that the neighbors would be upset due to the thieving done by her cat, where she said: “I couldn’t keep covering for her so I came clean. I left the neighbors a bag with their items and a note explaining what was going on.”

Lucky for Vicéns, her neighbors were courteous and weren’t angry in the slightest regarding China’s antics. By the by, Vicéns then set up a “return box” on the property where her neighbors could find their burgled items. Although China is a handful, the woman loves her to bits. Finally, the woman says: “[She] loves to roll around in dirt, hunt, steal, knock things off tables and annoy me as much as possible and I love her to death. She makes me laugh every day.”