It is known that cats can be pregnant by different males? So, because of this, kittens from the same litter can have multiple sires. This is why kittens may look different from their mother. You can also anticipate big surprises like white kittens from a black cat and vice versa.
However, if a cat is brought up in a home environment, you can be sure that the litter will look the same as the parents unless the cats are allowed to roam around the neighbourhood. In most cases, the resemblances are so uncanny that there is no room for any doubt in anyone’s mind. So let’s dive right in and see these adorable kittens who identically resemble their parents.
1. Like father like son: if their fur wasn’t the same colour, their affection towards each other removes all doubt of their kinship.

2. These two have the same thick line under their neck and darker lines of less thickness.

3. Family resemblance at its best with mom and kitten having the same muzzle.

4. Gene pool passed down with the white beard.

5. Mom and newborn kitten have the same spot on their nose.

6. In cuteness and colour, such a look alike.

7. Another genetic hand me down of this distribution of peas.

8. This mother’s elegance has been passed on down to her son.

9. This bond between mother and son is shared by a small white dot on the nose.

10. Although the pout needs more work, this kitten’s resemblance to her mom is well underway.

11. Can you distinguish between the two? How can their owners recognize them?

12. The coloured ear of this mother has been handed down to all her children.

13. You have to teach the young to act innocent after doing something stupid.

14. Still on the learning curve of the stern appearance of the father.

No Need of DNA tests to Prove the Lineage of these Parents and Children!