Denny Ku and his wife were getting ready to bring their newborn baby Koa home for the first time. They didn’t know how Lilo would react to the baby because Lilo was an 8 years old corgi. She was being the only child there and didn’t even show any interest in her sibling when her mom was pregnant.

Lilo may have not been interested in her sibling when he was in mom’s belly but when they came home with their newborn, she became thrilled. First, she greeted her brother with a lot of kisses as she used to do when she met someone.
But at one point she realized that this one is going to stay with her, in the house. She didn’t know how to interact with Koa so she co-existed with him for the first few days. Ku and his wife worried that she would continue to not interact with him until they saw a ball in Koa’s bouncer and Lilo playing with her newborn brother.

The Kus laughed as they tried to explain to the pup that he couldn’t play yet. But Lilo didn’t understand them. Instead of giving her toys to her parents, she started to bring them to Koa. Within a few days, she introduced Koa to all the toys she has in her collection.
After introducing her toys then she brought things like toilet paper rolls, and her parents’ slippers on top of Koa.
No matter what thing it is, she would drop that on her brother’s lap and gently pull it to him with her nose. Then she would sit in front of him and wait for the next move.

Even though the baby is just two months old; Lilo needs to play with him. But Lilo is so serious about her babysitting job. When she is not bringing toys, she is usually sleeping next to her brother. She has so many beds but now she prefers to sleep on the floor near the bouncer.

She is happily waiting for her sibling to be big enough to play with her. Until then she will continue to enjoy her role as a big sis! She will be thrilled to see this little human finally pick up her toys.