It’s always intriguing when TV shows or movies mix up feature characters from different franchises or universes. These mash-ups have their own uniqueness which makes the fans love them harder. And trust me, these photos will take you to a whole new level.
Scroll down and believe me, you will not regret it.

You have to wait few seconds before realizing what’s happening in the photos. I mean who would think a photographer would mix Terminator with Dumb and Dumber. Or, Aqua Man with Nemo?




Hungarian PixelFaker is one of the most skilled digital artist which can easily turn a movie poster upside down. This person has never shared his personal information. All his fans know is that he loves books and creativity. He never talks about the process or his work, but he will go on hours talking about what inspires him. “It’s seeing how characters look when they swap places with other characters or are placed in scenes they don’t belong in.” Plus, he assures that if we have a good intention and never gives up, there’s no one to stop you.


“My favorite thing about art is when ideas come one after the other. Wings of fantasy, I like to call them. And my least favorite part is when I have no ideas. Then I have to stop and do something else. I never do anything by force. Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” He shared a quote of Degas, which explains a lot about this amazing PixelFlaker’ theory behind his creativity.





















