A hopeful tiny heart was struggling mightily not to break there, amidst a scattering of illegally abandoned household items.
It was a puppy that wasn’t aware that he had also been abandoned.

Animal control officer Sharon Norton was informed of this heartbreaking image early on Monday morning in Lincoln County, Mississippi, along a peaceful section of road.

The little dog was just hanging on to life while perched atop a chair close to where a TV had also been discarded when she immediately drove to the location.
The dog was obviously famished but had made no attempt to go, perhaps thinking that whomever had left him there would undoubtedly come back for him.

In an interview, Norton had this to share: “He looks like he’s been there for about a week. He is skin and bones.”
The pitiful dog was approached by Norton, who informed him that she was there to assist. He had his first supper in days from her.
Despite the puppy’s prolonged wait for his absent owner, the appearance of someone who genuinely cared immediately made him feel at peace.

When I lifted him up and transported him to the animal control van, Norton commented, “He seemed quite happy. His tail was wagging and beating my back. Now that he is protected, he knows.”
The dog was then immunised, dewormed, and given to Norton, who then gave him to the Mississippi-based Brookhaven Animal Rescue League for protection.

He will then be placed up for adoption after that.
Although this example of desertion isn’t the worst she’s seen, according to Norton, she is hopeful that justice will be done by speaking out about it.

She hoped that someone who noticed the dog and the chair would connect the dots and write her a note to assist her in identifying the perpetrator.