Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeAnimalsDog misses her senior best friend of five years!

Dog misses her senior best friend of five years!

It is hard for us to say goodbye to our besties when they passed away. Not only for us but animals have got hurt too.

This adorable Chihuahua mix dog named Pepper was 9 years old when his human mom, Tona Gonzalez Karlsson decided to adopt Yari. They were good friends. Pepper and Yari might have looked like opposites, but the friends couldn’t have been closer. The seniority of Pepper didn’t bother their friendship.


Unfortunately, Yari lost Pepper last month. It was a hard time for her to say goodbye to her best friend. According to Karlsson, he was always picky about other dogs. Eventually, they became playful and cuddling best friends. It was funny because Yari played like she is a Chihuahua too. They both had happy, adventurous years together.


Yari was always looked up to her big brother. She always wanted to be near him. She used to howl when he wasn’t there in the vicinity as him. They never had any issues in their friendship. They even had a good understanding.


However, Pepper’s health began to fail. Yari was sad about his friend’s situation. She needed to do something to help her. Whenever Pepper was sick or after he came home from the hospital Yari knew how to calm her down. She wanted to be available for her friend. Even she wakens up Karlsson when she was sleeping.


In the last months of Pepper’s life, he started declining in ways that Karlsson couldn’t ignore. He was suffering from several terminal illnesses. Eventually, Karlsson had no choice but to schedule a final visit to the vet.


The day before he passed, he stopped eating entirely. Yari laid with him and nuzzled and kissed him. She had to put him at her parent’s house. A half-hour before the vet arrived, pep got up from his bed and walked to the grave Karlsson’s dad had dug for him under a pepper tree. It was as if he was telling his family that he was ready.


After pep took his final breath, Yari went over to nuzzle him. He looked so peaceful and comfortable than he had in a long time. Karlsson and her parents prepared his grave with lavender and flowers. Then gently lowered him to the ground. Then Yari realized that her friend was not coming back.


She looked into the grave, and obviously don’t know what she was thinking, but she must have known, he was there. She laid down next to his grave. She seemed so sad and seemed like she was hugging the dirt. She stayed there for a while.
After Pepper’s funeral, Yari seemed like changed. The happy and energetic dog seemed depressed without her best friend. The only thing Karlsson can do for her is take her to Pepper’s grave in her parents’ house. All she is doing there is kept sniffing all the dirt underneath the Pepper tree.

Yari missed five years of memories with her best friend. Now whenever she misses him, she goes to the Pepper tree to be near him once again.


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