Loki and Gerrie are two lovable cats who have their very own huge catio (this is a patio for cats) where they play and lounge, watching the world pass by outside. Recently, a new cat came up to the duo to say hi, and Loki’s and Gerrie’s human parents figured someone in the neighborhood owned him, and disregarded him, until he came to visit them again. Only then did one of their neighbors mention that this cat was a stray that had been in the area for years, and when they got to know this, they named him Ziggy and tried to win him over.

Initially, Ziggy came twice a day to have his meals, but he was too scared to be touched. Loki and Gerrie and their parents wanted Ziggy to feel safe, so they built him a house of his own. As the colder months were soon approaching, they figured he’ll then have a warm place to stay. They also started feeding him in his new home so that he’d get used to it. Little by little, Ziggy started warming up to the couple, and appreciated his new home very much. However, he had a long way to go.

In an interview, the cat’s mom, Renee had this to say: “After a few weeks of feeding, I could finally touch him while he was eating. But as soon as he finished his food, he didn’t want to be touched.” As time went on, the couple were thinking and trying to figure out what to do with Ziggy, if they should try to take him inside, or keep feeding him outside till he was more comfortable. One day, they found him curled up in his home, injured, and wanting help. The couple rushed him to the vet, got him into surgery, and took him home.

Renee went on to say: “After he had surgery, we kept him in a separated room for a few days. After a few days, we let him meet Gerrie and Loki again. Luckily they still got along, so we decided to keep Ziggy with us.” Loki’s and Gerrie’s parent’s made Ziggy his own outdoor house, so that he would have his own little safe haven. However, as time passed, his safe haven became their home, where he found safety, love and comfort, in the form of his forever home and forever family.

Although it took a while, Ziggy has fully settled into his forever home, and loving family. He understood and decided that his new parents were not as scary as they had helped him heal and had taken such good care of him. Ziggy loves stretching out next to the window and laying near the warm dishwasher, and also hangs out with his new siblings sharing their great big catio. The trio of cats love hanging out together, watching the world pass by, and looking out for any stray furry friends that may need a new home.