Dogs are our guardian angels without any doubt. They are our lifesavers. Even in any hard situation, your dog will face it just to save you! Nevertheless, even an angel could find it in need of help. This story is about a kind of moment and, see who came for him!

Michele Burt, her husband, Steven, and their three dogs went on a board of a JetBlue plane from Florida to Massachusetts. It was supposed to be a routine flight since they have traveled many times. Respecting the protocols the Burts had the dogs in carriers under their seats. But shortly after takeoff, Michele noticed that one of her loving dogs, Darcy the French bulldog, was having some breathing issues.
She opened Darcie’s carrier and, checked on her. She was aware that she was acting against the flight company’s protocol, but her dog’s life was in danger at the moment.
She noticed that her tongue was blue, and she was aware that it is because of insufficient oxygen. Then she pulled her out from under the seat and placed her on her lap, to cool down. She helped Darcy to relax, as she was panicking and breathing frantically.

Flight attendant Renaud Fenster had no idea what was going on. He initially asked Michell to put back her dog, as the flight protocol is extremely strict in situations like this. Sooner he realized that it might be something serious, so he rushed to help with his colleague Diane Asher.
The two crew members initially used some ice bags to cool Darcy down. But it was kind of unsuccessful. Then Renaud, who also owns a French Bulldog, had another idea that goes against the protocols. He was ready to take that risk, in order to save the poor dog’s life.

Renaud brought a small oxygen tank with a mask attached and offered it. They thought it would help. And Renaud and Diane’s actions saved Darcy’s life, even though they had to act against the rules.
Renaud and Diane saved the dog by doing their job well. After they landed Darcy was fully recovered. Michele even wrote a letter to thank the kind attendants and JetBlue.
JetBlue also wrote a statement saying that their mission is to inspire humanity. The company also was proud about the crew members.