Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeAnimalsFunniest things Pets do when they think Owners aren't looking

Funniest things Pets do when they think Owners aren’t looking

There are so many hilarious things that our pets are up to when they think that our backs our turned, ranging from stealing a slice of pizza from the kitchen counter to the solemn gaze out the window while contemplating their existence. When they’re caught doing something mischievous or utterly ridiculous, they give us that “Who, me?” innocent look in those eyes. These moments are what make our four legged furry friends extra special.


Have you ever thought what your pets are up to when you leave them all alone to their own devices? This is where the Google Nest Cam enters. Google Nest Cam has built-in intelligent alerts, which allows you to check in on your pets, and catch them in the act of doing something naughty. We’ve compiled a list of stories from users where their furry pets with their silly cute and outrageous moments that they get up to, when they think that their human owners aren’t looking.


Aviel Kanter had this to say about her dog, Chicken: “Sometimes, I’ll be sitting in my home office, on my computer minding my own business, and all of a sudden I’ll hear a very intense ‘grrrr grrrrrrrrrr grrrr’ coming from the living room. When I peek around the door to see what kind of terrifying monster has broken into my home, I will often find my mini Australian shepherd, Chicken — who is all of 13 pounds — with her jaws around her bed, whipping it around like she’s a wolf in the wild.

True ferocity, I tell you! When she notices I’m looking at her, she immediately gets very still and gives me what I can only describe as a ‘stank eye,’ as if to say, ‘Yes, mother? How can I help you?’ Then she nonchalantly saunters out of the room, leaving me to clean up the carnage. Very classic Chicken move.”


Christie Rotondo shared this about her doggo Cannoli: “Cannoli is a big girl, over 100 pounds! So when she thinks I’m busy, her favorite activity is snoozing. (Being a big dog is hard work!) As I’m working away at my desk, though, sometimes I hear a snore that sounds exactly like something from a cartoon character. I’m talking full on mi-mi-mi-mi noises like out of an old animation, or a solid pbbbbt, pbbbbt vibration from her jowls.

It’ll crack me up mid-meeting, and honestly, has even interrupted a few. Of course, she has no clue, and just keeps sleeping: sprawled out, upside down, beneath my feet.”


Luna the cat ‘finds’ Moná Thomas: “My cat ‘found me’ when she was about nine months old (she really just showed up at the door to my apartment) and it was just me and her until we moved to last year. At our last place, our one-bedroom was on the ground floor, but in our new one, we’re on the fifth floor, so Luna spends a lot of time at the windows. One day, while I was working, I heard a ‘chattering’ coming from behind the window curtain. I brushed it off until it became loud and continuous. Come to find out, Luna is excitedly ‘talking’ to the birds sitting atop the opposite building — and she looked back at me like I disrupted her conversation! Now I don’t bother her when she’s minding her business with her bird conversation.”


The devious Zeke and Andrea Morabito: “Since he was a puppy, Zeke’s sneakiest trick has been to take something he’s allowed to chew on (like a nylon bone or bully stick) and decide to chew on it right next to something he’s NOT allowed to chew on (like a table leg or the tassel on a rug). Then, just when he thinks I’m not looking, he’ll slowly switch from chewing the approved item to the one that’s off-limits. When I call him out on it, he gives me his best ‘Who, me?’ innocent look. Honestly, I’d be more upset if I wasn’t so impressed by his deviousness!”


Joanna Douglas had this to share about her two cats Guava and Goji. Guava the tabby cat: “Guava is a very energetic rescue tabby who has some unusual habits. On top of playing fetch like a dog, in the middle of the night when we’re asleep she’ll make a series of high-pitched repetitive shrieks for maybe 20 minutes at a time. The sound is unnerving — like a distress call! What she’s actually doing: hunting a favorite feather toy, carrying it in her mouth all over the house and then batting it away so she can chase it or pounce on it. She does this over and over, crying out to announce her hunt. While this typically occurs around 4 am (how lovely for us), we’ve caught her doing it on our Nest Cam while we’re out and about, too.”


She had this to say about Goji: “When baby Goji had been in our house for just a few days, I turned my back for all of 20 seconds and caught him licking butter off my bagel. ‘Ahh,’ I thought, ‘So that’s how it’s gonna be!’ This now-4-year-old chunky tabby boy is our scavenger, a true snack monster with an insatiable appetite and desire to eat, lick or sniff everything edible. He’s often up on the table begging for bites of cheesy scrambled eggs, or lurking beneath the couch praying for a dropped popcorn kernel. When we aren’t around or are ignoring his whines, he can be found breaking into the pantry, looking for spilled crumbs or attempting to chew his way through a sealed bag of treats.”


Finally, Rebecca Gruber had this to share about her Labrador Retriever Barkley: “Like any good Labrador retriever, Barkley is only slightly food obsessed (cough, cough) and has never met an ingredient he doesn’t like. If you open a bag of chips, his nose is in the air sniffing for a whiff of food. And he is stealth! One second he’s sitting on your feet under the table and you think he’s asleep, and then suddenly he’s snuck up between your arms and taken a chunk out of your father-in-law’s birthday cake. His most recent theft took me completely by surprise.

I was sitting on the sidelines of my son’s baseball game and Barkley was chewing on a Himalayan cheese stick (his favorite) at my feet. I slowly took the lid off of my salad and in the blink of an eye he inhaled half of it while I stared in disbelief. The best part? The little smirk he gives me after — I really think it is the thrill of the hunt for him!”



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