Classical artwork has made its way to the 21st century in many ways. One is through memes. Classical Sarcasm is an Instagram account which creatively publishes classical artwork integrating with today’s memes.
When you scroll down, you will realize how hilarious yet genius these meme-classical art combinations are. If you know your way around classical art, trust me, you will enjoy this the most.

Adnan is the founder of the Classical Sarcasm project and he is a super friendly person.
“My inspiration is to promote Art and also young artists who are painters and creators,” He stated. Furthermore he said that his page is highly “followed all over the globe, from USA to Europe and Asia,” simply proving that art can overcome the racial and ethnic barriers.

“The success behind the page is original content and constant hard work. My team consists of me and my parents,” He is grateful for his mom Sifa and his dad, Sefik. They are also the hosts of Instagram pages, @classicalfuk and @classicalartmemesofficial.
“Paintings are perfect because they all have a story behind, also everyone has an opportunity to tell the story in their own way,” For him, freedom for interpretation is everything.

“When creating memes, I just need to look at one painting, and immediately the brainstorming starts in my head. Also many followers are sending their own creations. I’m so proud that my page has motivated soo many people to express their own creativity.” Adnan likes to engage with creative people and he invites you to join him. “I would like to invite all young artists and also companies to work together as a team. My business email is:,”

The Classical Sarcasm page has more than 107k followers on Insta and 30k on Facebook. This project has got its sister-projects. Classical Art Memes is one of them.

“A lot of people think that art history is very serious and very important and this leads to them feeling overwhelmed—or even feeling like art history isn’t for them. This isn’t true! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, art history is just old memes. Once we start to see the humor and the humanity in art, it becomes far less intimidating,” Mary McGillivray, an art historian and a video creator, stated.

“I don’t necessarily think art history is an inaccessible entity, but I know that people tend to feel intimidated by things they aren’t experts in. Since art is often, if not always subjective, it feels even more intimidating than a subject with a ‘right answer,’ like math for example,” Shelby Bercume, a former gallery director and an art expert from Florida explained.

“I think often that leads to a disconnect between the desire to dive into the subject of art and by relation art history, and the execution of it. Art is something to be enjoyed and shouldn’t be reserved for an exclusive group,” Shelby explained.

“Art is aesthetics and feelings. If you love something, voice why you love it… if you can’t find the words, that’s ok! Talking about art is really discussing how the art affects your emotional state and what thoughts it provokes,” Shelby explained.
“And remember, it is ok to not love everything, believe it or not, certain artworks are meant to be disturbing or disliked. Just don’t be intimidated to speak up because that’s really all we’re doing when we talk about art. We’re voicing opinions.”

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