Recently John Debacker got a call about a lone cat stranded in the middle of NYCs Grand Central Parkway. He had to rush as the lanes have heavy traffic on either side of the cat. The longer it took him to reach there, the more likely she was to run.

As an experienced cat rescuer, he knew what to do next. He called his friend Karenlynn Stracher for backup and immediately rushed to the scene. When he got there he instantly spotted the struggling cat on the center median.

Debacker reached the cat with Stracher by his side. Instead of working quickly to rescue the cat they had to reach there carefully. With the cars pasting them, the duo walked carefully along the center median to see her. Debacker tried to grab her with a blanket but the clever cat sensed it and immediately ran the other way. She crossed the eastbound lanes and weaved in between speeding cars in the two lanes. But she was struck in the 3rd lane. At that moment Debacker had to hurry and ran over to the cat and grab her with his hands. Stracher was recovering their trap on the other side and they immediately secured her in the cage.

Debacker saw her as a miraculous cat because, after all these stunts she faced, there were no visible injuries on her. So he named her Miracle.

Debacker then rushed to the emergency vet where she could have a full medical evaluation. As he suspected she was nearly perfect in shape. He even didn’t forget to check her for a microchip and luckily she had one.

It was a mile away from where she was found. They were finally able to reunite her with her parents. As soon as her vet cleared her they were able to reunite. Her real name was Flamingo she was found in the middle of the busy road.
The family is so thankful to Debacker for rescuing her. Now he gets updates from the family with Flamingo’s pictures. She is finally cozy at home with her parents.

Debacker is also thankful for those drivers who stopped and allow him to rescue the cat. This means so many people still care for innocent animals.