Alexandria was browsing the Arizona Humane Society once to find a do for her. There were many lovely dogs but her favorite was the black and white pit bull named Wyatt. The 10-year-old girl noted that this one is the best for her family.

She asked her mom, Angela, to go get him, so she can love him and make him really good care. Angela was not that quick to get the dog and she let her daughter know that. But the little girl kept checking the dog’s profile.

Wyatt came to the rescue in May, when he was treated for kennel cough. He was feeling better later and he won the entire staff with his positive profile. He was a wily and sweet dog at all.

Angela finally decided to meet him secretly in person. As soon as she met him, she also knew that her daughter’s decision was right. She signed the adoption paper works n the spot and drove to her daughter’s school to surprise her.

When Alexandria walked out of her class and saw Wyatt she didn’t realize what was going on! Then her mom showed her the adoption papers, and that make her realize that he is now a part of the family.
Since that day, they have been inseparable. Wherever they go, to the grocery store, hiking, swimming walks throughout the day they take Wyatt with them. He is a great cuddler and has many tricks with him.

Angela couldn’t be happier that her daughter has the perfect companion to snuggle with all night. Alexandria now has her best friend with her to play and cuddle with. His lovely welcome makes her day since then.