Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeAnimalsThe Cat Steals Shoes While The Owner Creates A Facebook Group To...

The Cat Steals Shoes While The Owner Creates A Facebook Group To Find The Owner Of The Shoes

It’s amazing what an animal can do. Normally, we need a pet because a pet brings peace for our hectic lives. But, what happens if the pet you have brings more burden than the peace of mind? 

Well, obviously, you can’t leave him/her because no pet deserves to be abandoned

So, what would you do?

This is about a six-pound, black-and-white cat; Jordan from Altoona, Pennsylvania, who goes on stealing neighbors’ shoes at night. 

To make things right, Jordan’s owner, Ross, creates a Facebook group to find the owners of the shoes in the neighborhood. And little did she know by then the fame she receives thanks to her cat.

The stealing cat

Ross finds unknown shoes in every morning

And there are more 50 shoes

The proud cat

If y’all know my cat Jordan, y’all know he loves to bring me home shoes!” Ross posted in the group.

Ross puts a GPS tracker on Jordan to makes returns easier

The GPS tracker shows that Jordan touches a larger territory in the neighborhood. Well, she would have liked to bring a pair of shoes. But, sometimes, it’s hard to be a cat. So, he brings only one shoe per visit.

Jordan and his crimes go viral on the Facebook page

The whole world admires the harmless robbery of Jordan

And everyone absolutely adores him



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