Everyone needs somebody. You might say no. But deep down we perfectly know that having someone by our side is always a bliss.
Same thing goes with animals. That’s why sometimes humans and dogs have this amazing bond which lasts till one dies.

This story is about Nora, a she-dog and Archie, a 1 years old toddler. And their friendship happened from the very first moment they met.

Nora has been mistreated by her former owners which made her mentally damaged. As a result, she was always scared, confused and afraid of everyone.
As her life was a hell, the day she met Archie was the day her life turned upside down.

The innocence of the baby, his calmness brought Nora her life back. So they became inseparable with time.

If you want to meet Archie, you’ll see that Nora is also there. When it’s Archie’s bath time, Nora is next to him. When it’s eating, it’s just the same. So this closeness made Nora forget and overcome her traumatized past.