Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsThis Cat Who Got Ignored for Being Ugly, Got Adopted by This...

This Cat Who Got Ignored for Being Ugly, Got Adopted by This Woman Because She Says that It’s the Most Beautiful Cat She Has Ever Met

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people abandon animals because of their looks, health, breed etc. People have proved many times how easier to be an inhumane. But, rarely, sometimes there are people who are Godsent to help animals. That’s how a cat named Bean got adopted by this amazing woman.

Francisca saw on the internet that Bean has been in the shelter for more than a year. The shelter said that the cat looked ‘grumpy’ and ‘ugly’ so no one wanted her. And that’s where Francisca decided that she’s going to adopt Bean.

Meet Bean

“I moved into a bigger flat so I could have a cat again. When I lived with my parents, we had one. His name is Joker and I love him to death. So naturally, when I moved out, something was missing. But Joker is an outdoor cat in a rural area and my flat was quite small, so it just felt unfair to take him just so I felt better. He wouldn’t have been happy. I lived one year without a cat and then moved to a bigger flat with a balcony so I could adopt a cat. I wasn’t planning on getting one right away, because it’s always a commitment. Well, that was until I saw Bean’s picture while browsing my local shelter’s website one night.”

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

“I saw her photo and fell in love the second I saw her. Well, at first I laughed because the pictures were so funny and I’d never seen a cat like this before. She looked like she was 20+ pounds and a real rough street gangster. So naturally, I had to meet her. I sent them an email with personal information and stuff and really tried my best to make it as informative as possible so they would pick me to adopt her. I couldn’t sleep all night because I was so nervous and sent her picture to all my friends. She was described as a feisty little diva, who had some health problems due to being an exotic shorthair. One lovely friend of mine said, ‘well, (she is) exotic indeed’ and that stuck with me forever.”

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

“The next day I got a call from a friendly lady from the rescue who asked me if Bean was really the cat I wanted to apply for because apparently nobody had been interested in her before, despite her being on their website for a month already and in the shelter for several. Bean was found in a trailer park and had a horrible eye infection, struvite stones, and a beginning blockage. She was neither neutered, chipped/marked, nor had she ever been medically treated. They got her at really the last second to save her life.”

Francisca really wanted this cat to adopt but anxious that the shelter wouldn’t release her

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout

Image credits: bebbybeansprout


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