Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeRelationshipsThis Single Guy who Always Dreamed of Becoming a Father, Adopts the...

This Single Guy who Always Dreamed of Becoming a Father, Adopts the Girl who Has Been Living in the Hospital Over a Year

Having a family is a blessing. But, not everyone is lucky enough to have one. However, today, stepping out from the conventional family structure, today we can witness a number of family types which also work perfectly fine.

Pablo Fracchia, from Argentina is an active member in LGBTQ+. He always wanted to be a father but in Argentina adaptation is not an easy task. 

Pablo on his first day as a father, waiting to adopt a girl who has been in the hospital over a year

Image credits: Pablo Fracchia

Pablo is a social worker in Argentina who is a former Red Cross volunteer. “I really enjoy working with communities and helping people in need, not only in a professional way, but also as a volunteer and an LGBTIQ+ activist. You could say that the idea of ‘service’ is something that covers every topic of my life.”

He always wanted to be a father but in Argentina adaptation is not an easy task for a single gay person.

Once he joined the LGBTQ+ Federation of Argentina, he fought for marriage equality which gave him hope because he knew that changing the marriage policies would give him a chance for adopting a kid. As a result, sliding his fear, Pablo filled the necessary documents for adoption

Pablo finally filled the necessary documents for adoption pursuing the dream of his life

“Right now we are one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to LGBTQ+ and women’s rights, especially in the last 10 years, since we passed marriage equality, gender identity, abortion, and trans people’s protection laws. That was only a dream when I was a child, in a very Catholic country (hi Pope!), where I remember seeing the archbishop on the national public TV channel saying that every gay man should go and live on an island and stay away from good working people, and also the effects from the dictatorship (when it came to police raids on LGBTQ+ places) were a regular thing even after democracy was reestablished. So there is an absolute distance between my childhood and the current situation.’’

Mia has already spent a year in the hospital before the adoption.

It was in 2019 when Pablo got a call from a family judge about Mia. She has been suffering from a gastronomical anomaly and her parents couldn’t afford the medicine fees. Hence, she was kept until she finds a foster family who can pay serious medical attention.

Next day Pablo was off to see Mia

Fighting all the odds, Pablo entered the life he always wanted

According to the province, the family judge selects the family who can look after a child. So the whole allowing-to-adopt process depends on the judge’s kindness, tolerance and understanding.

The judge selected Pablo for Mia

It was sheer luck that Pablo got Mia because there were 4 couples who were shortlisted for Mia.

Image credits: Pablo Fracchia

Pablo says that he still remembers the first day when the nurse brought Mia to him. They played, talked and he hasn’t left Mia’s side since then. However, he had to sacrifice his Red Cross volunteering but it’s worth it. 

Pablo sacrificed his volunteering and work to be with Mia

“If I have to use two words to describe Mia, it would be ‘resilience’ and ‘power.’ This girl survived in every single possible way as she had a rough start in her health, with a lot of challenges and she fought and faced them alone at only months of age. And now she is a 100% healthy kid like everyone else,” Pablo shared.

Pablo’s advice for all the readers is,  “MEET OTHERS LIKE YOU. ORGANIZE. FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAM. The status quo can only be broken when we organize with people struggling with similar issues and start showing the injustices we live with to the public eye. It’s still illegal to be gay in almost 70 countries. Some of them even include the death penalty. So hang in there and organize.”

Image credits: Pablo Fracchia

Image credits: Pablo Fracchia


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