If you’re in Tallahassee, Florida, and you’re walking by Chloe Bonnell’s house, you’re sure to spot the sweetest face looking back at you. Whose is it you may ask? It’s Chloe’s black and white dog Atlas, who sits in the window all day, waiting for his mom’s return. This faithfulness of the puppy doesn’t go unnoticed.

Atlas was adopted by Bonnell last March, when one of her friends sent a Facebook post regarding an abandoned litter of puppies. Although unsure whether she was ready for a dog, once she met Atlas, the pup wouldn’t let her leave without taking him along. In an interview, the woman had this to say: “He came right up to me and wouldn’t leave me alone. I feel like God told me to get that pup because he knew what was coming next. He’s my little saving grace and has been with me through this whole pandemic and virtual teaching.”

Since Atlas is a very high-energy dog, Bonnell worried that he would suffer from separation anxiety when she returned to in-person teaching. In her interview, she also says: “He is completely rambunctious and loves to play. He will run and run and run all day long if you let him. He’s super sweet, super energetic, loves people, loves kids and just wants to be with you.” To Chloe’s surprise, Atlas hadn’t ruined, chewed or destroyed a single thing. What he had done was just sat in his favorite spot by the window for hours on end waiting for her to come home.

Chloe also said, “He really, truly loves just sitting in that sunshine and watching the world around him.” One day last week when the woman returned home after a stressful day at work, she found a package at her door. When the UPS delivery man drove up the street and stopped at her house, Bonnell thought that something was terribly wrong.

Chloe had this to say on Facebook: “He said, ‘Excuse me, ma’am, can I talk to you for a second?’ I put my stuff down and walked back out to him, preparing for some random bad news. He said, ‘That is the most loyal dog I have ever seen. Does he just sit there all day and look out the window while you are gone? Every time I drive by, he is sitting right there. Even when I come up to drop off a package, he doesn’t bark at me. Most dogs do. I knock and he just looks at me. I guess he is just waiting for you to come home, so he’s not bothered by me. Anyways, I love driving by because I always see him sitting in the window.’”

The woman was awed by this heartwarming moment, and that her dog had been able to bring a smile to the face of a complete stranger. She also went onto say, “When you’re having a bad day, you just need a pick-me-up. And that was the most perfect thing I could’ve asked for.”
The same night, Atlas got some extra attention and love, and he got to run around to his heart’s content as he always does. Atlas, and the entire neighborhood knows that he’s an extremely good boy.