Back in June of 2021, in Bauru, Brazil, paramedics were called to help a man in distress, and when they arrived, he was on the ground, and he had suffered a seizure. When the paramedics got close to the man they noticed that he had company. He had 2 dogs named Chiara and Bob, who were going to stay with him no matter what. When the man was put into the ambulance, the two dogs immediately got in behind him into the ambulance. With that, the first responders had to inform their higher-ups that they were accompanied by 2 unusual friends.

In a post shared on social media, the paramedics’ supervisor, Patrícia Iolanda had this to say: “Concerned about the lives of the patient and the dogs [if they had been left alone] … The team decided not to separate the friends.” With that, both dogs came along for the ride with their best friend.

When the ambulance arrived and the man was admitted, Chiara and Bob settled right outside the door, and their patient vigil went on thorough the night.

The next day however, they were put out of their misery as the man recovered from his ordeal and was discharged from the hospital into the watchful care of his two dogs. It was surely worth their wait and vigil. Although paramedics deal with life and death each and every day, this story tells us they also deals with matters of the heart as well. And finally, Iolanda writes, “If this isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”