Hope, a brown and white puppy, was abandoned in a cage close to an apartment building late last year. Hope worried if anybody would find her because she was terribly dehydrated and skinny. The puppy’s pleas were eventually heard when a kind person saw her and asked Kreitzer’s Critter Corral Puppy Rescue (KCCPR) for assistance.
When the rescue team first met Hope, they were shocked to learn that the strong young woman had been living on her own for some time.

According to an interview with Cindy Simmons, the KCCPR social media coordinator, “She had clearly been kept like this for quite some time. Not a few minutes, not a few days,”
Hope moved in with Bill and Liz Kreitzerand, co-founders of KCCPR, after spending a day at the veterinarian. The Kreitzerands were pleased to see that Hope wasn’t giving up despite her obvious difficulties.

Simmons added, “She was still hunched over at this point from being kept in such small quarters.” She was doing incredibly well despite her history and her current circumstances.
Hope’s health improved with consistent nutrition, medical care, and plenty of affection. She soon started to change into a totally new dog.

“Watching Hope transform was like having proud mom moments over and over again,” Simmons remarked. It was like witnessing a genuine miracle take place in front of you and being immensely gratified to have contributed in whatever way.
Hope was able to locate her permanent family in just two months. The tough girl doesn’t need to fend for herself anymore. Her sole responsibility—which she takes very seriously—is to be the ideal cuddling companion for her new parents and siblings.
Hope’s tale is evidence that even the most difficult starts may result in joyful ends when people work together to aid animals.