One day Lahmia Marano got a text from her friend who works at a vet clinic. When she opened it, she found a picture of a 16-years-old cat named Maxx staring back at her. Her friend told her that his owner is asking for him to be put to sleep, even though he was a healthy one. They were desperately trying to find him a new home to avoid it happening.

Marano tried her hardest to find him a home and she almost did it. But they couldn’t take him in the end. On that day she was told that if Maxx didn’t find a home, as the owner’s request he would be put to sleep. She was scared and she didn’t want that to happen to the poor cat. So she got into her car the next day and spent an hour and a half getting him.

She was not planning to adopt another cat. But she knew that she had to help him. He was very upset and chatty when they met for the first time. He immediately butted her head. But he knew that this one is going to be his mom!
Because of everything he had to go through, he was grumpy and confused. But whenever he met his new mom he immediately calmed down. He knew that she was there to take him home. And she did that too.

He was pretty much okay with the new place and his favorite thing to do is to follow his mom and remind her how much he loves her. His favorite spot is the sink. When Marano got the first text from her friend she had no idea what to do with a 16-years-old cat. But now her life has been changed by a stranger cat.

Marano believes that Maxx is a gift sent to her! He is a blessing to her life!